Friday, October 25, 2013

More like thoughts of a pissed off depressed woman....

I thought things would be different by now. I seriously thought things would be better by now. Maybe not so damn difficult. But if things are only getting worse lately, then where’s the hope that it ever will get better. Is there even any point in hope? Sure as hell doesn’t feel like there is.

When I was in high school, I dreamt of days that I wouldn’t be riddled with depression. I also knew it was going to be a battle. But I also knew back then the it wasn’t always going to be up front and center. I knew there would be periods of time that I was truly happy. But I thought these periods would last longer than two days. And that’s a good run.

I never expected life to be easy. Hell, I knew it’d be hard. I knew life itself would only get harder. But, what I honestly thought would get better was me. I seriously had plans for myself. College was supposed to teach me all the things I would need to know to start a great career. Instead, I’m a college drop-out (with the government hounding me over the $50,000 student loan debt for a degree I never even got close to getting) working in a restaurant that I hate. I loathe it. I used to love it. I loved the easy-going atmosphere. I loved that I was great at my job and that others thought so too. But what am I now? I’m the only person who does my job correctly. One other person is trained to do it and my boss hates scheduling him to do it because he doesn’t do his job. But guess what, he still has a job. And I can bet anyone’s ass he makes at least around the same measly pay that I do. That measly pay that doesn’t pay my bills. Much less, gives me gas money and food money. I haven’t been grocery shopping in months because I can’t afford to. I have a credit card maxed out. Not from huge expenditures. From putting gas in my car, and food in my stomach. Oh, that’s the same measly pay that is less than over half of the employees that sit on their ass while I do my job and their jobs for them. I used to feel appreciated for my job. Now I’m used. To them, I’m the errand bitch. But enough about my horrible job because I know what everyone is thinking when they hear me complain about my job. Just get another one. News flash, I’ve tried. Totally unsuccessful.

So why don’t I try to branch out and work towards my career anyway? Because that is also panning out to nothing. Sure, I get little photo gigs here and there. Sure my culinary knowledge is slowly expanding. But here’s the problem. No one invests in a 22 year old college drop-out female.

No one seems to think I’m worth the time or money. I know I’d be damn good at running my own business. Be it a studio, a catering business, a food truck, or even a restaurant. But no one else finds the same conclusion I do. Sure, we live in a world where women are becoming more “equal” to men. But there’s still the problem that not only am I a female but I have an entire list of facts about me that knock me further and further down the totem pole. 1. I’m 22. 2. I have no degree. 3. I don’t have a manager title behind me. 4. I’m not pretty. 5. I’m not skinny. 6. I live in a shit hole. 7. I don’t know anyone that matters. 8. It’s never been easy for me to makes friends, ergo, I have never been popular or well-liked.

Conclusion? Why the hell do I even hope anymore that I’m going to get out of this shithole of a life I currently have? 

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